
About us


The Laboratory of Dendrochronology (GeoDendroLab) was officially recognized in 2007 as research structure belonging to Faculty of Geography, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.

Our tree-ring based studies seek to understand complex interactions among natural and anthropogenic processes and their influence on tree-growth and forest dynamics.

Trees and forest ecosystems offer the opportunity to analyze disturbance processes occurring at different scale dimensions, including temporal (over short to long time-periods), and spatial (from individual tree to forests) scales.

Researchers currently are conducting studies in various sites located in Romanian Carpathians, as well as in other mountain areas abroad (French Central Massif, Caucasus Mts., Pirin Mts.).

Close cooperation takes place with national and international teams of researchers from various  laboratories and institutions with similar domain of interest.

The undergraduate, M.S. and PhD students are currently involved in research studies, supervised by staff members who place great value on field work, mapping and location of analyzed phenomena, as well as on quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

We welcome motivated students from all geographical disciplines, but not limited to, for preparing their study projects or being involved in the research projects under the coordination of the staff members.  For the study projects, students can choose between a wide range of research topics suggested by researchers, or propose their own independent study project.